Sometimes I need to learn to be quiet. I talk a lot. I am a conversationalist! I enjoy being around people and having “conversations!” But I talk too much. How about you? Are you a talker or do you keep to yourself? I would probably drive you crazy. It has been said of me by one of my professors at Bible College that, “James, he’s a great guy but bring a bag lunch with you because he doesn’t shut up.” That’s a fair and accurate statement. Know don’t get me wrong…I am also a good listener. I will give you my undivided attention when you talk…and sometimes I’ll just listen to you and not respond. But I could be a better listen. I always need improvement! My listening skills need some work. You might as well as throw my patience skills in there too. Now I say all of that to say this…God needs my undivided attention. He has things He needs to say to me but I need to stop talking or I won’t hear Him. I don’t know if you have ever done this but I have…when someone was speaking I was already thinking of what I was going to say in response to them having completely not listened to them. Instead of giving that person my undivided attention, I am thinking of my retort. Have you done this? I have been awful about this at times. I love praying to God. I look forward to my time of communion with Him daily and often as I can. How about you? I realize I can’t have a relationship with Him without communication. There are two sides to that. My part which means I need to talk with God as well as doing His will…the other is me listening to Him. Now I can do that by reading His Word and then meditating on it and allowing it to penetrate my soul. I can also listen by being quiet. David says in Psalms 143:8 that, “Let me hear Your loving-kindness in the morning; for I trust in You; teach me the way in which I should walk; for to You I lift up my soul.” Now how can God teach me if I am talking? In Psalm 46a it reads, “Cease striving and know that I am God…” I believe it is “be still” in the NIV. The Hebrew word I found in verse 10 was the word “urgo” and it means “let go” or “relax.” God is sovereign and I am not. Since that is the case, I need to “let go” of whatever it is that needs letting go of and let God be in control. He is anyways whether I like or not. Sometimes it necessary for me to “unload” on God or bring petitions before Him and other times…I need to be still and listen. He is where patience comes back into play because sometimes being still means more than just 15 minutes. I have a hard time being still. Ask anyone that knows me…I move. I can’t sit still nor stand still. I drive people crazy. But it is important for me to be still…because God wants to teach me and I need to listen and if I don’t shut up, I will miss out on God’s teachings. I desire to do God’s will. How about you? When was the last time you just quieted your mouth, heart, soul, and mind…and just listened to God? God has a lot to say through His Word. God has a lot to say through His children. God has a lot to say even through things and circumstances that might surprise you. Are you listening to God? Remember Job? He was too busy talking at one point as were his friends…God was listening and when He answered Job…Job realized he needed to be quiet, that he was talking too much and listening enough. You often read in the Old Testament that God’s people were “not listening” to Him and it got His children into trouble. As parents don’t we have these same frustrations with our own children? So tomorrow when you wake up…how will you start your day? Will you just rise up and begin rushing out the door dealing with the day’s demands and become busy, doing the normal routine? Or will you arise and begin your day with God listening to His word and His plan for your day? Hey remember relax, He is God! He is good! He has an everlasting love for you! Stop talking so much and listen.