Monday, March 5, 2012

What are you doing today?

What are you doing today?  Work?  Errands? Paying Bills? Being a Mommy…or Daddy?  Stuff?  All the above and more?  I bet during your normal (what’s normal) routine of a day…you come across many people or speak to many people on the phone.  Sometimes they are people like you or maybe they are people from different cultures, race, and economic backgrounds.  What do you talk about with these people…or do you talk with them at all? 

I want to talk with my fellow Christians…my brothers and sisters in Christ.  Have you noticed how crazy life seems to be lately?  Our economic times aren’t as good or great as we would like them to be.  Families are hurting…and breaking up.  People are putting faith into the wrong thing or things.  People are succumbing to addictions that are literally killing them.  People don’t seem care anymore.  The Media is promoting doom and gloom.  Well this actually nothing new as Solomon has told us.  But for you and I (Christ’s people) we know that God is bigger than what life throws at us.  We know that God is sovereign no matter what happens.  We know that Christ died for us that our joy can never be taken from us.   We see life through different lenses.  Now having said all of that to say this…are you sharing Christ with the hopeless, the broken, the hurting, and the lost?  In this moment…in this time…is our chance to shine the light of Jesus (Matthew 5:13-16). 

Too often as Christians we get caught up in doing things that are a waste of time.  Things that take away from growing God’s Kingdom.  Jesus said (in basic terms) to love God and love people.  Are you loving God by living a sanctified life and letting Christ shine through you?  Are loving and edifying your brothers and sisters in Christ and also loving people to Jesus? 

I want to share a brief story that was convicting to me.  In the past week, I was able to hear some friends of mine, Beth & DQ Roberts, who are bikers that have a ministry called Christian Riders Ministry.  Check them out here

DQ briefly shared his testimony and he acknowledged that at one point in his life that he was lost, broken, hurt, and all the above.  One of the decided factors into him coming to the Lord other than the story of Jesus and what Jesus did for him was a church person who grabbed DQ by the arm and told him that he was “home.”  Someone let the light of Christ shine through them and it led DQ to Jesus.  In turn, DQ and his bride Beth have been leading many to Jesus for over 20 years.  Beth and DQ literally went to the heart of the “lion’s den” and let the Light of Christ shine.   You never what could happen when you talk to someone about the Lord.  People need Jesus!  What was convicting were the words spoken by DQ after his testimony, he said, “I decided that I was going tell everyone about Christ, I wanted them to know the two greatest stories ever known:  The one about Jesus and the one about what Jesus did for us.  I had a vision that there were two lines before God:  One line was for those who were saved and the other line was for those who weren’t.  I decided that those in the other line were never going to be able to say to me, “Why did you never tell me about Jesus when talked to me?”  That last part of his talk convicted me.

How many do we have contact with daily and never tell them about Jesus?  How many have died with Christ all because we were caught up in our daily routines?  Jesus said that He was the Way, The Truth, and The Life and no comes to Father except through Him (John 14:6).  We know that, but what about those that don’t…have we told them.  To my brothers and sisters in Christ, you are familiar with Jesus' words in Matthew 28:18-20.  One day this life will be over and the new life we are so eager for will come.  Are there going to be people in the “other line” that say to you, “Why did you never tell me about Jesus when you talked to me?”  You know the story of Jesus and you know what Jesus did.  So back to my first question:  What are you doing today? 

1 comment:

  1. WOW. That "other line" part of the testimony is incredibly powerful- and convicting. Thanks so much, James. I need to share that with my fellow Christ followers- and I need to share my Jesus more often with those in the other line...
