Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Casey Anthony and Jesus...

Well the verdict is in and she was found not guilty on murder charges or child abuse.  I have been, like so many, watching the trial and I too had my opinions and my own observations.  The truth whether one agrees or disagrees is that Casey Anthony was acquitted of murder charges based on reasonable doubt.  I, however, would like to take a different approach to this story.  Casey Anthony will be a free woman soon and I have read the media outlets saying that she will be offered a lot of money for her story and I also see that adult entertainment business has already contacted her lawyer.  The truth from where I stand is that she needs Jesus.  Casey Anthony in a lot of people’s eyes is a villain.  After the verdict came in yesterday, I read the many comments on Facebook and Twitter as well as the news outlets that allow people’s comments…they were 99% negative towards Casey Anthony.  I have a question for my brothers and sisters in Christ:  What if Casey Anthony walked into your church building on Sunday?  How would greet her?  With disgust or an embrace?  Caylee Anthony’s life was taken way too soon…but Jesus has her.  As Christians we know that no one can hide or escape from God’s eyes.  I don’t know what happened and neither do you.  But what I do know is that, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” which is from John 3:16 (which as Christians we most likely memorized as a kid).  That included Casey Anthony.  Are you willing to love her to the Lord?  We can define Jesus as love…why because God is defined as love (1 John 4:7,8).    And as Christians that also should define us…”and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” (Ephesians 5:2).  How many of you prayed for her?  Why or why not?  Our job is not justice, that’s God’s job.  As children we are to be witnesses for Him.  Casey Anthony needs Jesus.  Are you willing to be the Light of Christ for her?  Remember, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”  (Romans 5:8).  I am not any better than her.  I know what my life was before my walk with Jesus.  I hated it.  Do you remember your life without Jesus?  I ask again:  What if Casey Anthony walked into your church building on Sunday?  How would greet her? 


  1. Thanks Jim, for the Words!
    We need to hear them.

  2. Well said indeed. We often convict from faulty information, and sometimes conviction would be the truth, and the criminal goes free. Many who deserve death go free, many who deserve life die. Who among us can give them life? So let us always be careful about giving death. I am not against the death penalty, but I am against the inconsistency with which it is often meted out. God knows more than the truth, He knows the purpose in our heart. Expect justice in the end,unless you truly know His Son; pray for grace and know that God is truly Good..

  3. I think the most powerful part of this post was "How many of you prayed for her?" It reminds us to look into ourselves and reflect on our actions. I know I haven't prayed for her, but I will now.
